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Launch of Dementia Resource Collection in Kiama

Kiama Library launched its new Dementia Collection, part of the Dementia Friendly Kiama Project, on Friday 4 November.

The Dementia Collection includes books and DVDs that help people living with dementia, carers, family and friends. There are also help sheets and brochures to take home.

There are biographies and cook books, even children?s books that explain what is happening to an older member of the family. Titles include Living With Dementia, Don’t Give Me Eggs That Bounce and Maintain your brain. The Collection also includes Who will I be when I die? by Christine Bryden. Christine was only 46 when she was diagnosed with dementia in 1995. She has since become a leading Dementia Advocate.

The Collection aims to support people living with dementia to live a healthy and full life with dignity. It also provides resources for family and friends to learn more about the disease and how they can support the person living with dementia to have the best possible outcome. The Collection is available at Kiama and Gerringong libraries as well as Kiama Community Centre and Blue Haven Residential Facility. The collections held at Blue Haven and Kiama Community Centre have titles specifically aimed at people directly supporting someone with dementia.

The Dementia Collection is modelled on the Community Law Resources of the State Library of NSW. The Library will add to the Collection over time and welcomes recommendations.

Kiama Library has been working towards being Dementia Friendly in other ways as well by improving signage and access. One example is installing new handles in the toilets that are easy to use for people with dementia.

Development of the Dementia Collection has been supported by a grant from the IRT Foundation Community Grants Program.