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ReThink Respite Service Provider Workshop: 13 October

Using a social marketing and knowledge translation framework, the Rethink Respite project has developed a series of workshops to assist service providers to:

  • Improve the availability, accessibility and ‘quality’ of information about their respite service for carers and referring health professionals.
  • Improve aspects of service quality in line with identified carer needs (the evidence).
  • The workshops will be delivered in two distinct phases via face to face modules and online support as appropriate to the service provider needs.

Phase 1: Service Provider Training

Facilitators will highlight carer needs and navigational barriers when accessing respite information, and instruct service providers on how to provide useful and user friendly information about their services for HSNet search engines. This phase will also include the development of service profiles and promotional messages to better promote respite services to the carer community. For further information or to register for the workshop please download the Service Provider Flyer.

Phase 2: Service Provider Development

Facilitators and service providers will work collaboratively to identify service strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats (SWOT analysis) with reference to identified carer needs; identify goals for service changes; develop action plans; and evaluate and monitor change.

For further information contact