Multicultural Resources
For people from Culturally and Linguistically Diverse (CALD) backgrounds, dementia information resources include:
- Dementia Australia Translated Dementia Help Sheets
- Short films to raise awareness and understanding of dementia: ‘It’s not a disgrace, it’s dementia‘
- Available in Portuguese, Serbian, Spanish, Ukrainian, Arabic, Croatian, Cambodian, Assyrian and Vietnamese
Assessment, Diagnosis & Management
- Contact your General Practitioner (GP) or local doctor. He or she may then refer to a specialist doctor (geriatric or neurologist).
- Access to interpreters is available via:
- Telephone Interpreter Service (TIS): 131 450
- ISLHD Health Care Interpreter Service: 4223 8540
- Wollongong City Council Interpreter Services: 4227 7650
Carer Support
- Illawarra Shoalhaven Local Health District (ISLHD) – Multicultural Health Carer Support Groups are provided with an interpreter. Contact: 4221 6770
- Greek
- Italian
- Portugese
- Indochinese Carers Support Group: 4284 6862
- Macedonian and Serbian Support Group: 4275 2266 (Macedonian Welfare Association)
- CAPAH Multicultural Services (Spanish Carers Group): 4297 7546
- Multicultural Dementia Carer Support Group and Care Worker (Cringila): 4276 4364
- Multicultural Communities Council Illawarra (MCCI): 4229 7566
- CatholicCare’s CALD Counselling, Support and Advocacy program: 4227 1122
Care Options
- Aged Care Assessment: Southern Hospitals Network Access Referral Centre: 1300 792 755 (Interpreters available)
- Multicultural Dementia Specific Day Care Services at Cringila, Warilla and Shoalhaven: 4229 7566
- CAPAH Multicultural Services (Spanish Dementia Specific Day Care): 4297 7546
- Dementia Support Australia: 1800 699 799
- Carer Gateway has resources in other languages: 1800 422 737
- MCCI has resources in other languages: 1800 11 6224