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How does the residential aged care environment support well-being & community access for people with dementia?

Share your views at a focus group or via interview

People living with dementia, care partners, residents in aged care facilities, dementia advocates and lawyers, residential aged care employees and aged care regulators are invited to participate in one of two focus groups:

  • 10am – 1pm (including lunch), Tuesday 14 May 2019 University of Technology in Sydney (Ultimo Campus)
  • 10am – 1pm (including lunch), Wednesday 15 May 2019 University of Wollongong (Innovation Campus)

Discussions will focus on people’s views on buildings and other aspects of indoor and outdoor environments in residential aged care facilities.

Questions will explore the extent to which residents with dementia have freedom to move through environments, including having community access, that support their quality of life.

Lunch will be provided at the conclusion of the focus group. Participants will also be offered a $30 voucher to compensate for travel costs.

If you can’t attend either of the focus groups but want to be involved, please contact Linda [see details below] to arrange an individual interview.

If you have any questions or are facing financial barriers to your participation please contact Linda.

To participate in this research project or find out more information please call Linda on 02 95144103 or email

This research project is conducted by Dr Linda Steele from the University of Technology with Prof Richard Fleming, Dr Lyn Phillipson and Ms Kate Swaffer from the University of Wollongong.

The project has approval via UTS Human Research Ethics Committee:
REF NO. ETH18-2508.

This project is funded by Dementia Australia Research Foundation – Victoria Project Grant