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Understanding Dementia workshop at Blue Haven

‘Understanding Dementia’ provides an opportunity to help and support those people dealing with dementia for the first time, as well as those already on the journey.

The workshop, presented by Steve Swan, is for relatives, friends and carers of people with dementia

Thursday 15th October 2015 1.00pm – 4.00pm, Blue Haven Kiama

Please RSVP to Kelly (Nurse Educator) on 42321144 or

In response to the demand from patients, carers and families who are dealing with dementia and the demands of a dementia diagnosis, we offer regular workshops in the Nowra, Berry and Milton areas.

Out-patient clinic attendees, aged care provider clients, GP clinic patients, hospital patients, facility residents, professional carers and interested concerned members of the public are all welcome to attend.

Information, consultation and advice are available, and questions are welcome.

Each workshop will run for approximately 3 hours and will include such topics as:

  • Understanding the differences between the various dementias
  • Time frames and stages of decline
  • Collective Reality vs Construct Reality
  • Communication and Dementia
  • Security vs Insecurity
  • Behavioural and emotional changes associated with a declining cognition
  • The Grief Box.